Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rejoice (Women of Faith Worship) [Audio CD]

It's ok.

Per the product description, "REJOICE captures the unbridled joy, awestruck adoration, and reverent worship audiences experience over the course of a two-day Women of Faith event".
I imagine if you've attended one of these events you'll be be more attached or connected to this compilation, than if you haven't like myself.  I must have expected more than what I heard; I guess I expected new/original songs.  The songs are good, but I've heard some before, and they aren't specific to women which I guess I also expected.  I would have also liked to hear more than 10 or so songs.  Perhaps it would be better if these songs were recorded live to capture the energy of one of these events.
I received a free copy of this CD from Booksneeze in exchange for my honest review.